Naomi and Jeremiah posing with Chuck E. Cheese and Helen Henny
Oh what a beautiful morning! This morning, Tuesday, August 1, 2006, Naomi had her wish to visit her favorite restaurant granted. Because of her illness (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia), Naomi can't be exposed to groups of children or be in environments which likely have high levels of germs, bacteria and viruses. Chuck E Cheese's Restaurant, which appeals especially to young children, would normally be off limits for obvious reasons. Before her diagnosis, Naomi's parents made a trip to the local Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant every Monday as a family outing. Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant became a favorite destination for Naomi, and she truly missed being able to go and enjoy herself. Nina, Naomi's mother, contacted the management at the local Modesto Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant and explained Naomi's condition and situation. She was pleasantly surprised when the management at Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant offered to open the restaurant early for Naomi's use! Their staff stayed late Monday night cleaning the facility, making sure that everything was hygenic and sterile, perfect for Naomi to visit and have a great time.

Naomi posing with Helen Henny
When we arrived this morning, we were greeted with great fanfare and joyous smiles by the entire staff, including characters Chuck E. Cheese and Helen Henny. Incredibly, the person playing Helen had actually flown in from Los Angeles specifically to make Naomi's visit extra special. Needless to say, Naomi was stunned and speechless, as were we all. Naomi took several photos with everyone, and both she and her brother Jeremiah were given cups filled with tokens for all of the games and rides. Over the course of the next three hours we all had a great time!
Naomi's favorite game was the Sponge Bob game, where the challenge was to land a token precisely on a square. After only a few attempts, Naomi landed on the square with the highest possible points and we all erupted with praise and applause! Her favorite ride was a roller coaster similator. This ride included videos of 4 famous rollercoasters from across the USA. Naomi threw her hands in the air and squealed with delight as she rode.

Naomi and Jeremiah on the rollercoaster simulator

Naomi and Helen Henny on the rollercoaster simulator
Jeremiah's favorite game was air hockey, where he not only beat Naomi, but also his mother and myself! It was rather humbling to be beaten by a 5 year old, but he's faster and stronger than you'd think! His favorite ride was a thrill ride simulator. It was more intense than the rollercoaster simulator, but similar in concept. Jeremiah insisted that we all take turns riding with him, including Chuck E. Cheese, who graciously fulfilled the 5 year old's request. Jeremiah giggled as we each feigned terror while on the ride.

Jeremiah and Chuck E. Cheese on the thrill ride simulator

Helen Henny trying to help Naomi beat Jeremiah in air hockey

Jeremiah beating his mother, Nina, in air hockey

Naomi preparing to race her aunt, Victoria, in water pistol game
In addition to being gracious, kind, considerate hosts, the Chuck E. Cheese's Restaurant staff also provided us with drinks, freshly baked pizza and salad. They danced and sang for us, and made sure we lacked for nothing. We extend our utmost thanks, gratitude and blessings to everyone involved in what Jeremiah proclaimed on behalf of his sister “the best day of our lives”.
Special thanks to:
Edwin Barahona, General Manager
Wendy Lopez, Manager
Loretta Bell-Read, Manager
Nichole Campos, Manager
Martin Olivera, Chuck E. Cheese character
Jennifer Chrisman, Helen Henny character
Breanna Owens
Jennifer Granados
Claudia Valencia
Melody Tambasan
Kelvin Almazan
Lareyna Baldez
Heather Silva
Natassia Baldez
Vince Archibeque
Marissa Montenegro
Anndreana Palmore
Jason Sain
Kevin Le
Cindy Corpuz
Jasmine Blacks-Wheeler
CEC Entertainment. Inc.
God bless you all!

1 comment:
Where is this chuck e cheese located
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