Updates on the healing process for Naomi, who is being treated for Actue Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Please take the time to leave Naomi a supportive comment! Thank you!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Naomi's Pre-School "Graduation"
Naomi "graduated" from Pre-School! As I watched little Naomi walk up to her teach to receive her "diploma", Nina, Naomi's mother expressed to me that she was overwhelmed by the joy of the fact that Naomi was able to participate, that her blood counts have been high enough for her to attend school recently, and that she looks as healthy as any other child. It is truly a miracle! Additionally, Naomi was recently tested for placement into Kindergarten. Not only is Naomi ready for Kindergarten, but she tested as equivalent to a 6 year old child! Naomi is only 4.5 years old! And remember, she missed well over half of the school year, and still tested that high (thanks to Nina's diligence in home schooling Naomi)!
If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours - Thoreau
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