Sunday, August 05, 2007

Weekly Blood Draws

Every Sunday Naomi has got to get her blood drawn to check her levels. Almost always, the lab technicians are amazed at how calm she is. Most of them say she is as well behaved or even more so than some adults. She is such a trooper. I am so proud of how well she copes with things.


Debbie Potter said...

My son Cole is in Naomi's kindergarden class and as we were viewing the website he said "Aw, she's nice". I just thought I'd share that with you. I am looking forward to getting to know your family.
May God continue to bless you,
Debbie Potter

taylorswiftfan said...

HI! I'm Brittany! I go to Yee's ATA also and i see naomi all the time! she is a very cute little girl! Tell Naomi to continue doing good in Karate! May God Bless YOu! especially for the holiday!