We’d like to thank:
Cops Care Cancer Foundation
Recreational Opportunities for Cancer Kids (R.O.C.K.)
Lodi Cancer Kids
Lifewind International (Vine House Ministry)
Our Family and friends
for making this Christmas possible for us. Each of the above organizations gave us gifts that helped fulfill our children's Christmas wishes. Amazing! Two weeks before Christmas, we were sure there would be nothing under the tree. Yet God is good and we were blessed abundantly. If you are moved to do so, please make a donation to any or all of the foundations listed above.
Our Christmas was interrupted by a fever scare. After a delicious breakfast with several family members around, Naomi felt hot and her temperature was taken. The thermometer registered a temperature of 102º. Naomi's doctors insist that she be rushed to the emergency room when her temperature goes over 100°, so off we went. We were nervous when we got to the ER, and the nurses were sure she was going to be admitted. Thankfully, they were wrong and she was sent home but with no explanation of the high temp. Naomi has been kept home since Christmas because she still has cold symptoms but the fever has not come back. We will be celebrating our first New Year's Eve together as a family (usually a grandparent babysits so we parents can have a fun night out). We're glad to be staying in!
God bless you all and may 2008 be a year of grace, love, peace, prosperity, joy and love in each of your lives.
Nina, Naomi's mother
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